Godly Hacks: What To Do In Times Of Trials and Tribulations

Good Morning Guys! At LFC it’s that time of the week again where we share a few important spiritual hacks and today’s hack is a little more personal for me. You know how a song comes on and people go… “that’s my Jam” well being reminded of what I need to do in time of trials and tribulations is totally my address in this season and I hope that as these words and scriptures have blessed and encouraged me, they do the same for you too.


Romans 4: 18-19  says "Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as he had been told, "So shall your offspring be." 19 Without weakening in his faith, he acknowledged the decrepitness of his body (since he was about a hundred years old) and the lifelessness of Sarah’s womb.…

This scripture right there is the very description of what it means to hope against hope. What I like most about it, is that it tells us that Abraham wasn’t in denial of the situation (the deadness of his body and the lifelines of Sarah’s womb). He acknowledged the situation without accepting it and this is essentially what it means to hope against hope. God doesn’t expect us to deny situations but He expects us to believe His promises to us more than we believe our current situations. He tells us things like “I am the God of all flesh, is there anything too difficult for me.” To let us know that no matter how ‘peak’ (slang for deep or severe) our situation is, it is nothing for Him to turn it around.

Another thing that tends to hinder us from hoping is that we can’t seem to find a reason to go on hoping but here’s what Paul has to say about that. Romans 8:24 tell us that “For in this hope we were saved; but hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he can already see?”  It is hope specifically because you cannot see a physical manifestation of it. However, hope is designed in such a way that if you hold on to it, in faith and speak in line with that hope, you will surely come out of that situation swinging.


In Genesis 15: 5 God took Abraham outside, told him to look up to the heavens and count the stars if he is able to and then told him that, his descendants will be that numerous. Mind you, God is talking to an Abraham who is still believing God for just one child and yet He’s speaking to him about generations. God is weird in that way. He will speak to you about Estates while you’re still struggling to pay rent because He is the God that sees the end from the beginning. But regardless, God has always known that without first changing our perspective and mindset, He cannot get us out of where we are to where He wants to take us. This is precisely why He took Abraham out and told Him to look up. It was about changing his perspective.

It is soo important when you are going through trying times to look and listen to the right things only. If you start feeding yourself with negativity and doubt, you will go nowhere. You must find a word, a message or a picture that feeds your Spirit because, without the right perspective, it is impossible to hope and stay in faith. Without hope and faith, you will never see results.

Our 3 Organs that are crucial to our staying with the right perspective are; our eyes, our ears and our hearts and here’s 3 scriptural references that prove it.

1)      The Eyes
 Matthew 6:22 -24 “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

2)      The Ears (Counsel)
Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful;” If you listen to ungodly counsel it’s only a matter of time before you’re doing the other two.

3)      The Heart (The Source)
It is so important to guard what we listen to because that slowly but surely becomes the meditation of our hearts and here is what the bible says about the heart.

 Proverbs 4:23 “Keep your heart with all diligence for from it springs the Issues of life”

 Matthew 15: 18 “But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things defile a man.”

Your heart is the engine of your life, be careful what you let in there because it informs what comes out.

Last but certainly not least......


I know second to hoping, this is the hardest thing to keep doing when we are dealing with situations but when faith is in place, it is the most important thing to do. Even through tears and sorrow, you must learn the art of laying hands on yourself and speaking the word no matter how downtrodden you are. Your spoken word is your passport out of that situation and every situation you will ever go through. You can read the Godly Hacks on Guarding Your Mouth to better understand the power of spoken words but in the meantime, here are a few scriptures to help you better appreciate the importance of speaking right.

Job 22: 28 - 29 "You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you, And light will shine on your ways. 29"When you are cast down, you will speak with confidence, and the humble person He will save.…”

Matthew 12:37 " For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words, you will be condemned."

Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.

I hope this blessed and encouraged you. Have a great day and hang in there, God is able to do all that He has promised to do in your life, just keep hoping, seeing and speaking.
