For the Soul That Needs a Little Pick-Me-Up

Hi guys. Happy new month! So a few weeks ago, I saw a video clip of some sermon all over Instagram. Different people reposted the same video. I didn't really stop to listen to what the clip said. Fast forward a couple of weeks later and the Holy Spirit brought the video clip to mind. I went through a couple of Instagram pages before I found it but I am so thankful I did. I went on YouTube to search for the full sermon and thankfully the video was available.

I am so happy I listened to the Holy Spirit. The sermon is by a lady called Christine Caine. I honestly just discovered her and she is an example of what "surrender" looks like.

If like me, you need a straight to the point,  no beating around the bush and loving word from God,  please check out her videos. I have included a link to her YouTube channel. Please let me know what you think.
