By far the most amazing thing God did for us, was that He created us in His Image and Likeness (Genesis 1:26). This Likeness refers to our spiritual nature. When God breathe into Adam, He breathe His Spirit, into Him. This was what man lost in the fall in the Garden of Eden. Man died a spiritual death and we lost the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus came to die so that we would be restored to that spiritual inheritance. This is why the bible tells us that Jesus came that we may have life in and have it more abundantly (John 10:10)

The revelation behind being made in God's image is the reason I'm so obsessed with this Sinach’s “You Make My Life so Beautiful” song. My favourite bit is the part that goes " As you are, you have made me here on earth.....there's nothing Greater than this." (1 John 4:17). An understanding of the reality that God made us like Him and that we are on earth as God is in Heaven, is the basis for understanding the power of our spoken word.

Often times we either speak carelessly or without faith and I have a hard time deciding which is more dangerous. The Bible tells us that the death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:12) and that by our words we shall be justified and by our same words we shall be condemned (Matthew 12:37). I find this mind-blowing because what God is basically saying is that the words we speak shape our world. If you want to see something in your life, keep speaking it, for better or for worse there will be a manifestation.

This isn't some freaky theory or anything like that, God spoke the whole universe into being. Like Spoke. Literally, Let there be and there was.  If you understand that we are made in the image and likeness of God, then you can understand that the same creative ability and manifestation that follows God's spoken words, follows ours as well. This is true even for Unbelievers but for Believers, this reality is on another level. Simply because the power that gave speed and surety to the word of God; The Holy Spirit, is on our inside. We carry the power of God and so do our words.

So we must learn to speak. When we’re in the midst of trials and sickness we must speak. "By His stripes, we were healed, therefore I walk in the reality of God's promise concerning my health".  This is something we really need to understand. We’re too often asking God for things that He has made provision for in the word and that's not how that works. 2 Corinthians 1:20 tells us that all the promises of God are yea and amen in Christ Jesus. So if God has said it in the bible then it is already done. The bible was written for us to know God's character but also to know our inheritance in him by way of His promises to us. So when you're going through a situation, open your bible or Google really, and find out what the word says about you as a believer in relation to that challenge. When you find it, take those words and put them in your mouth and speak them into being.

Until you speak, you will not see the reality of what God has already done for you. So when you do speak, speak consciously. Speak with authority and most of all, speak with understanding rooted in faith.
