Following up on our conversation from last week on conforming to worldly moulds,I think non-conformity to the world is something God really wanted me to speak about. It is likely because no matter how born again or saved we are, we have a tendency to be super undisciplined in this particular area. We are a little too chilled about the environment we allow people to create around us and the places we allow ourselves to be found in.

To put things in perspective, let’s use cussing as an example. If as a person, you really hate cussing and you happen to find yourself in an environment where everyone is cussing for 2 straight week; you’ll discover that after a while, you’ll find cussing a little less offensive.
The basic explanation for this is that you’ll become desensitized to it. This is one of the most ingenious strategies of the enemy. It is the same reason many millennial Christians, myself inclusive, struggle with putting our foot down regarding living the homosexual lifestyle. We know and maintain that it’s wrong but that small feeling in our hearts we convince ourselves is compassion, is just 2 different perspectives battling for our hearts. The Word and the World.

We are constantly being educated or rather miseducated via social experiences and the media. There’s always a relatable or lovely gay character in EVERY single show. There’s always that TV couple or real life celebrity couple who are ‘goals’ but are ‘Co-Habitating’. Then there’s Fashion Insiders and mainstream media telling us that having a problem with people living a homosexual lifestyle is bigotry and certain religious standards are fanaticism. So in essence, be Christian but be a ‘Liberal Christian’. If you ever thought that was compliment, let me fix that perception for you. It is world speak for what God describes as being lukewarm. It basically means that you are accommodating enough that sin is comfortable around you. These are the strategies the bible is giving us a heads up about when it says guard your heart with all diligence. The things you see, say, hear and allow around you will eventually determine and influence your outlook on life. 

Using the phrase ‘Stay Woke’ arguably properly for the first time ever! Christians need to stay woke! We ought to be discerning enough to assess situations, people and environments and the influence and impact they have on us. This is rising to a certain level of spiritual consciousness and learning to be a bit more mature. The reason why a lot of times we stay with these things, and refuse to cut it is because we’re unwilling to make the difficult decisions.We are usually either unwilling to break off certain relationships or let go of certain environments but the truth is (gospel truth) as long as we hold on to those things, the world still has a hold on us. What this means is that we can’t be as sold out for Christ as we would love to be & He would love us to be. You can’t cheat principles. You can’t serve 2 masters at the same time and I can testify to the fact that it is a hard-core decision to make but it’s one that we have to make anyways.

There’s a level of relationship and fellowship with God we can’t step into if we are still struggling with conformity to the world and what obtains. This is a major dying to self-move that lets God know we’re all in and that He can trust us with the big boy and big girl stuff. It calls for a level of discipline and just spiritually gangster behaviour. For instance I tend to ask politely for the radio station or song to be changed if say ‘Rap City’, Work or Wild Thought comes on. I do this because it turns out that no matter how much I rattle in tongues, there’s a part of me that still wants to go tuuunne to work and rap a few drake bars. So I guard what I allow in so what comes out of me is right. Sometimes I catch myself listening for a little longer that I should and there and then I just literally cut it. It wasn’t always this way obviously but the more I grew in a consciousness of the devices of the enemy the easier it became for me to take these steps.

Non-Conformity to the mould and pattern the world has laid out is no small task but it’s what we’ve been called to do. If we’ve been called to do it, it means God has supplied an ample amount of grace to make it happen for us and that’s all the encouragement we need. So God is saying to you once again,  do not be conformed to the mould of this world.
