Timing is essential to everything we do in life from the most important things to the more mundane things. Given that much of what is done right here on earth is a picture or mirror of how God operates, it makes it easier for us to see how timing is equally crucial in the Kingdom of God.  

Going through the life of Jesus, one of the few times we see Jesus apparently reluctant to perform a miracle was at the wedding feast at Cana. In John 2: 1-12 we see Mary intervene and then we find out what Jesus’ reluctance was about. Timing. When Mary approached Jesus and relayed the problem of the couple and wanted him to do something, Jesus said to her “Woman what does your concern have to do with me? My Hour has not yet come.”

For us as Christians this conversation between Jesus and His mother Mary, holds a very important lesson. It gives us unique insight in the New Testament into how seriously God takes timing. Although Jesus later went ahead to do what Mary asked Him, Jesus informed one of the hardest lessons we have to learn over and over again as Christians, which is that God does not like to operate outside of his appointed time.

Habakkuk 2:3 “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.”

Often times we want God to do things for us when we want him to but we forget that God is more interested in building our character and faith than handing us achievements and fancy things. He is not in the business of premature workings of miracles or giving help which is good at the wrong time. Help from God and miracles at the end of the day are workings of faith that are intended to build us up spiritually and inspire faith in those who witness our testimonies. But you know what? So is waiting faithfully on God.

With God, it is very much about knowing who He is, learning to trust him and in that vein knowing who you are in Christ. It’s like they say, the Journey is far more important than the destination. God is not impressed enough by our tantrums to hand us things He knows if given at the wrong time, will not draw us closer to him or will ultimately destroy us. Let’s be honest, if our earthly parents could master the art of the necessary “No’s” how much more God who sees the end from the beginning?

I know something that I’ve had to learn in this past year is that every delay serves its purpose for our good and to the glory of God. In delay may times we learn to rely entirely on God and not in our own strength? In delay, as has been the case for me very recently we learn purpose; the why we should have all of those things that we often so blindly want. The reality is we often want the right things for the wrong reasons and often times for no apparent reason beyond our vanities. The real questions we ought to be asking ourselves are; why do I want this thing? Does it give glory to God? And will I serve God better with this thing or in this new situation? Because those are some of things God is considering. If these are our concerns then it makes it just a tad bit easier to wait faithfully on God (because waiting is always hard). Every time God makes us wait on him; we grow up a little more as Christians. We learn to trust God more and we learn to root for the Glory of God because at the end of the day that is the purpose of our entire existence; that our lives give glory to God in all things, in the really big things and the small things alike.

Lamentations 3: 25-26 “The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”

The part about waiting on God that really ups the ante is that there is a way to wait. As far as God is concerned, it’s not enough to just wait, you have to actually wait faithfully. This means no murmuring, no holding grudges and harbouring bitterness against God. No dropping the ball on service to God and devotion to the things of God. All of those things are spiritual tantrums which quite frankly do not impress God. Sure He knows our weaknesses and He is gracious so He is always patient with us but what all of these things do is they simply drag out the necessary waiting period because we do not ascend until the lesson is learnt.  

Yes it is true that it’s easier said or preached than done and It definitely takes what feels like an impossible amount of spiritual discipline on our part to wait without murmuring. But the truth is if the willingness is there, we have to trust that God is His faithfulness will supply abundantly, every necessary grace we need to follow through. I’m making reference to that same grace which He promises is always sufficient for us (2 Corinthians 12:9).

This still isn’t saying that there won’t be moments and seasons in which we are angry, hurt, feel abandoned and even slighted by God. It just means than when we are done having those moments which is very human, we go back to focusing on the truth of who God is and His word. Here are a few things about God that should makes us a little confident in the waiting game;

1)       That He that promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23)

2)       That Indeed no one who puts their faith in God will be brought to shame (Psalm 25:3, Romans 10:11)

3)      That haven given us His only begotten Son together with Him, will freely give us all things (Romans 8:32).

4)        That we are indeed the apple of his eyes (Zechariah 2:8)

5)       That He will supply all our “needs” according to his riches in glory (Philippians 4:19)

6)       That eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, nor the hearts of man imagined what God has prepared for those who love him (1 Corinthians 2:9)

7)      That these words and true and trustworthy and they shall take place shortly (Revelations 22:6)

8)      That you can never out faith God (Be more faithful than Him) (2 Timothy 2:13)

9)      That He will never fail you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8)

10)   God is not a man that He should lie. If God has said something He will surely do it (Numbers 23:19)

Knowing all of this and believing it faithfully, we learn to wait on God with praises, unreserved trust and thanksgiving. We wait on God  like Sheep confident in the Shepherds love for them, knowing that He will indeed show up for us and take care of us but “Only” if we wait on him till the very end.

So Cheers to waiting on God the right way.
